Cobre Valley Center for the Arts

Art Gallery



We are pleased to announce that for the month of January, we have added the following artists’ contributions to our art gallery.

  •  Bobbi Jimenez – photography
  • Rachel Hansen – digital, oil and acrylic painting, ink and pencil
  • Bryan Chambers – acrylic, watercolor and photography
  • Lorenzo Cassa – acrylic, watercolor and oil painting
  • Chris Swinney – photography 
  • Heather Coen – oil and acrylic painting


The second story of the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts houses a variety of art by local artisans on a rotating basis. The exhibits can include drawings, paintings, scultures, pottery, jewelry, quilting etc. Artwork may be available to purchase or merely as an exhibit. 


Admission to the art gallery is free.

frank balaam

Frank Balaam is an artist and one of the founding members heavily involved in the restoration of the old Courthouse. 

You can read more about him on his website here.

other artwork

Here are some snapshots of past exhibits, displaying the variety of artwork that is displayed at the gallery.

Metal sculptures by Troy Lynn, created out of repurposed scrap metal parts. Available for sale.