Cobre Valley Center for the Arts


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shurtliff Music Academy

Rebecca Shurtliff, owner of the Shurtliff Music Academy, provides music education for children, preschool age through adults. She is licensed as a Sound Beginnings and Let’s Play Music instructor, teaching little ones the foundation for developing musical skills that also enhance learning in general. The Academy, located on the first floor of the Center building, also offers both group and private piano lessons for students from age 7 onwards. 

Find more information about the classes offered and enrolment here. Alternatively, you can contact Rebecca at + 1 (208)-516-6380 or [email protected].


We expect to have more options for piano lessons and guitar classes soon. Please check back with us.

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We are working on new classrooms and hope to have more classes soon. Please check back with us to see what types of classes we will be setting up.


We recently had belly dancing classes that were a great success! Please check back with us to see what classes we will be setting up.


Currently we accept registration through email, over the phone and  in-person. Please contact us at (928) 425-0884 or [email protected]. Alternatively, you can use the form below.